Checking in!

A few weeks ago, I spotted Mr and Mrs Duck (our local pair) flying overhead, who have been pleased to see the pond close by. Hopefully, they will settle into some greenery and avoid the post-office parking bay they were once so attracted to. It was nice to work from observation and memory using pencil and mostly watercolours to capture the scene.


I had to laugh at this pigeon’s attempt at stopping itself from sliding into its pals. I couldn’t stay to watch and see how things worked out for him, but I hope you like the illustration all the same.


Ballerina Clock Patterns

twilight colours
twilight colours
Pattern fun to make the most of the clocks shape
Pattern fun to make the most of the clocks shape

The clock to me has a fun shape and I think the 2way directional fits best in showing this. This ballerina changed her dress for the evenings dancing wearing blue silk from China.

ballerina clock detail
ballerina clock detail